I had registered with digg.com a few days ago. I updated my profile and submitted around 35 URLs to them. I was very impressed when I could see these URLs on google immediately within some minutes on putting proper keywords.
Today when I used the same keywords, I could see the URLs in the search results of google but when I clicked on them, it said no data found??
I tried to login using my credentials and and it said user dosent exist??
I tried the "forgot password" option and entered the email which I used for registration and it said this email is not reistered with them?
Search for "digg www.trips2london.com" on google, the results come on top.
Then click on "Show more results from digg.com" to see all my pages which point no where??
I am suspecting some other commercial website owner contacting digg.com to delete my profile?? Really Pi**ed up....
Anyone any idea???
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